Soil is necessary for most plants to survive. It's where their roots are and where they get their water. There are some soils that aren't soil, which may surprise you. Despite the fact that we see indoor plants potted in brown, soily dirt, they may actually be potted in something else. This 1960s invention has been widely used since then for its lightweight, weed-free properties and ability to sustain seemingly any plant in the horticulture community as "potting mixes".
You might be thinking, “Why don't I just use outdoor soil for my indoor plants?” However, there are issues with that (see next paragraph), making artificial potting media more beneficial.
It's important to remember that when you take potting soil mix from outdoors to indoors, you take all of the critters that live there with you - critters that would love to eat your plants. You may also track soil-borne diseases that may kill your plants. Aside from that, outdoor soil is typically composed of clay, sand, and silt, which are not only heavy but also prone to hardening when completely dried out. You don't think that's so great for your indoor plant, do you?
Potting media/mix was invented by whom?
Despite not knowing the first, we do know the best. Houseplants were revolutionized by James Boodley & his team at Cornell University's invention of Cornell Mix in the 1960s. Most horticulture mixes are based on Cornell Mix. As a result, large-scale production of food crops, as well as other crops, could be done on a lightweight, weed-free media. There was suddenly a possibility of propagating plants on a large scale. How does potting media/mix work?
Peat, perlite, and compost make up most of the general potting mix for indoor plants. The mix may contain vermiculite, wood chips, sand, or other materials.
The components are broken down as follows:
Most mixes contain a high proportion of peat. Holds water and is sponge-like.
From superheated volcanic glass, perlite is a white, light pebble. Provides aeration and water control.
Silica dioxide - sand. Drains water efficiently.
As well as retaining water, vermiculite provides a slow leak of micronutrients and places for fungi and microbes to live and grow.
As a "denser sponge" than peat, wood chips/bark release macronutrients slowly. Drainage can be improved by cutting coarsely.
An organic matter rich in nutrients and microbes that promote plant growth. There is an earthy smell to it.
some mixes, there are cheap fillers like glass or rocks. It is possible that
rocks could provide a trickle of micronutrients, but they are too heavy to be a
useful ingredient.
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